Sunday, August 15, 2010

Leave the Memories Alone !

 Somethings in life never change
Somethings in life never happen for no reason
Somethings in life are never forgotten
And then these somethings become memories

Memories that will last forever
Memories that make you laugh
Memories that bring tears and pain
Memories that make some people part of your life
Memories that make them special and unforgettable

So when you let these people go
You will never lose them as you will find them living in you
Forever and forever
So leave the memories alone by cloud room


  1. Amazing coincidence..! In fact I was thinking on same lines today.. Different memories..

    Shud v cal it echo? Veri nice read indeed n wonderful closing note..!

    Keep Sharing..!

  2. I saw ur blogs. Y r u takin life so complex and tensed way. I feel u should see optimistic part in life n keep things simple :-)

  3. @AB : thanks

    @ Harsh: It is not about taking life in a pessimistic is just about the events that happen in life be it good or bad....all of them will pass. And if u read it carefully harsh I am talking about memories that make u laugh also :)

  4. I totally agree with this. I have written on this topic and even from personal experience I can say that memories are those magical threads of time that make us re-live our past moments again and again.

    And I really liked the way u finished the poem. Nice, keep writing more frequently :-)
