Saturday, October 16, 2010

Live Your Dreams

Am I living my dreams? And the answer is no and then I asked myself why is it this way?  Life is really short and don’t know when will it come to an end and do I want to say that I lived a life of unfulfilled dreams ? No I don’t want to…….

But if any one asks me why am I not doing something about my dreams my answer to this is I am waiting for the perfect time or perfect situation and now I feel that all these are just excuses not to go out and try.
Or may be I am just afraid of making a mistake or may be afraid of making a wrong choice or may be afraid that I am not good enough or not capable enough or may be people around me laugh on me and my dream etc …..

Fear is what I feel holds us back, sometimes paralysing us and preventing us from moving forward. But then I feel is this fear a reason enough to just give up on our dreams. Fear is a part of human nature and we should just accept the fear and not worry about it and live the dream anyways. No one is going to live our dreams for us it is upto us to create our life as we want. So why not have it filled with my dreams.  I don’t  want to look back at life and say “I could” but I want to say “Yes I did”.

This leaves me with following lines….
If you don't know where you are going,
then how will you get there?
Make images in your mind.
See the destination.
Imagine details of your arrival.
Dream in perfect detail.
See yourself the way you want to be when you arrive.
See yourself arriving.
Make yourself a road map and study it every day
until you know the way and the destination by heart.

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

Let’s live the dream. Now is the time!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Plans that fulfill Aspirations !!!

Is India actually the second fastest growing economy in the world?

It was recently that I read an article in economic times where the deputy chairman of india’s Planning Commission met some poor children in a school close to Shriharikota Space Centre. Having witnessed the amazing launch of an Indian rocket as the children must also have seen he asked them what do they aspire to be when they grow up? To my surprise all these kids just wanted a job. Why do children aspire so low today?

If you look at the statistics today Indian economy has enabled many Indians to grow very wealthy. India has the second largest number of dollar billionaires per trillion dollars of GDP, after Russia. However, the Indian economy is not yet providing enough opportunities for young people in all parts of the country to earn a decent living. There is a lot of disparity and many states are still in desperate need of more opportunities for young people to earn incomes through jobs or entrepreneurship. Looking at the current scenario can we say that it is better if the economy grows at 7 % and creates more jobs, then it grows at 10 % without creating more jobs but only creating social unrest and violence in India?

In India it is not only the pace at of growth that will impress people, but also the pace of their inclusion in it. Those who are being left behind, including tribals that do not want to be mere passive beneficiaries of state handouts and corporate philanthropy. They want to be respected, earning their own incomes and growing their own wealth.

Our planners must listen to people while making their plans. The youth of any country is its future. This is very true for India with its larger young population then any other countries. The planners in India should make the best use of the energy and aspirations of the youth in India. This will make the youth feel that they are heard and they do matter. When words are not heard and understood then it leads to frustration which leads to stones and sticks on the streets.

So for India to be a large economy, as well as a happy country, people must feel included in the planning. Inclusion of the aspirations of the youth in plans is the key to overall success of the country.  Therefore, we need innovations in the way plans are made for India to realise its people’s aspirations.

When you look at a city, it's like reading the hopes, aspirations and prides of everyone who built it and who belong to it.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Leave the Memories Alone !

 Somethings in life never change
Somethings in life never happen for no reason
Somethings in life are never forgotten
And then these somethings become memories

Memories that will last forever
Memories that make you laugh
Memories that bring tears and pain
Memories that make some people part of your life
Memories that make them special and unforgettable

So when you let these people go
You will never lose them as you will find them living in you
Forever and forever
So leave the memories alone by cloud room

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Life is rolling and I am just going with the flow without much thoughts or deliberation.
Everyday is just passing by and my to do list currently has only 3 things :
1. Get up
2. Survive
3. Go Back to Bed.

I feel life has just become too monotonous and I keep on cribbing about things which I feel are nothing as compared to what people around are going through. Infact I should be happy about what I have and what god has given me. I guess as you read you will be clear about what am I talking about.

Today morning on the way to office I saw this small girl of 5-6 years of age begging along with her brother in the local train.Looking at her I thought there should be some one to take care of her rather then she begging and taking care of her brother. This scene and many other things together made me write this blog.

When I saw that girl i could think of innocence, curiosity, helplessness, hunger and ........
Lot of hunger but no food to eat,
No spare clothes to change after bath,
A need for shelter but not having one,
Suffering from illness but can not buy treatment,
Fainting of hunger and dreaming for a mouthful of rice,
Searching warmth in cold flesh in winter nights,
Two mouthful of rice and three children

All that I saw in the train led me to think about this and write about it.I happened to discuss what I saw and what I think about what I saw with a friend and he said, "Mayuri I appreciate your writing skills and the way you think but what is the use just thinking about it what are you doing to help those kids", and I had no answer to it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Stranger to ME is ME

Trying hard to be with myself rather than avoiding myself
Trying strong to be more aware of me and my habits rather than numb them
Want to be more with myself then I was ever before

Still have a lot to discover
A lot to explore
A lot to know
A lot to share with myself about myself

But why am I so scared of being with myself
Why am I being a stranger to myself
What is it that makes me so lonely with myself
When I am the person who knows myself more then anyone else
When I should be my best companion
What is it that makes me so scared of being with myself

Why do I always search for company when I can be my best companion
Why do I have to try hard to be with myself?
Why do I have to try hard to be with myself?